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Current Graduate Students

Maggie Newport

Trent University, Master's student co-supervised by Dr. Holly Bates

Thesis on "Clock gene expression in response to altered photoperiod in white-footed deer mouse (Peromyscus leucopus)" (2018 - Present)

Samantha McFarlane

Trent University, PhD student co-supervised by Dr. Micheline Manseau.

Thesis on "Estimating the effects of disturbance on boreal caribou densities, population connectivity and relatedness using non-invasive genetic sampling" (2018 - Present)

Melinda-Lee Baker

Trent University, MSc student.

Thesis on "Genotyping by Sequencing for Caribou" (2017 - Present)

Amanda Orr

Trent University, MSc student co-supervised by Dr. Theresa Stotesbury.

Thesis on “Inclusion of deoxyribonucleic acid in sol-gel based forensic blood substitutes for application to forensic science" (2017-Present).

Kirsten Solmundson

Trent University, MSc student co-supervised by Jeff Bowman.

Thesis on Genomics of Lake Superior Caribou (2017-Present).

Sumiko Polacco

Trent University, MSc student.

Thesis on “Investigating chemical and biological extensions of a sol-gel based blood substitute for forensic bloodstain pattern analysis" (2016-Present).

Meredith Purcell

Trent University, PhD student co-supervised by Dr. M.J. Fortin of the University of Toronto.

Thesis on “Landscape genomics of moose (Alces alces)” (2012-Present).

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